The 2025 Opportunity Quilt was pieced and quilted by Lisa Willems. “Bravo Indigo” is the name of the pattern by Nightingale Quilts.
Lisa says, “It’s Done! It was fun and I’m glad I did it.” When Lisa was asked if she would be interested in creating the opportunity quilt for 2025, the creative thoughts began to tumble through her mind. She says, “My contribution needed to reflect me. Blue is my color and I wanted it to be blue.”
“I’m not usually a ‘pattern person’, but I liked the sharp lines, I liked the feel.” She modified it a bit to make it her own. She also wanted to widen the drop to make it a king size. All the fabric was purchased locally to support local retailers.
Lisa’s advice for future opportunity quilt makers: “Make a quilt to reflect you, something that appeals to you.”
Thanks to the other hands who helped make this quilt: Cathy Otten who sewed the binding and attached the sleeve.
Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 and can be purchased from guild members.