San Quilters Guild is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.
One of the challenges for the year is to make a scrap quilt, any size, from the scrap bags handed out at the November meeting. The reveal will be at the May guild meeting.
Bev Spellbring can answer any questions.
This is a list of some of our past combined contributions :
•50 quilts of varying sizes were sent overseas to be given to Ukrainian refugees.
•48 quilts were sent to fire victims in our state.
•10 child size quilts were donated to ChildHaven.
•48 fleece blankets were given to SANE, an organization that helps victims of abuse.
•74 pillowcases distributed to shelters and ChildHaven. 50 were donated to those suffering from the devastating fires in Santa Fe.
•35 Fidget quilts were given to area nursing homes—Beehive Homes, Cedar Ridge Nursing Home, 3 Rivers and Grace Place.
•30 Lovebugs were donated to ChildHaven; 6 Lovebugs to SANE.
If you would like to help, please join us.