Bylaws – Policies

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 San Juan Quilters Guild


Revised – Year 2019


The name of this organization shall be the SAN JUAN QUILTERS GUILD, INC., herein after referred to as Guild.



San Juan Quilters Guild is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including for such purposes the making of distributions, both monetary and tangible gift distributions, that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).


In addition to the Purpose, the Guild Mission is to educate and create a community of quilters to share ideas, develop skills, and encourage the tradition of quilting.


Section 1.      All adults, regardless of race, creed, color, age, sex, religion or national origin are eligible for membership in the Guild.

Section 2.      Members shall abide by the Bylaws and Policies of the Guild.

Section 3.      Each member shall, to the best of her or his ability and within her or his resources, assist in the Guild undertakings and be expected to serve on one committee and/or commit to help with at least one guild event each year.

Section 4.      Members shall pay annual dues as established by the Guild in order to be a member in good standing. Members in good standing shall be entitled to all privileges offered by the Guild.

Section 5.      Only members shall receive a roster for the Guild. A member will not sell or give away the membership roster. A member must not use the roster for personal gain. Membership is not transferable or assignable.

Section 6.      Each member agrees, as a condition of membership, to release and waive any claim he or she may have against the Guild, its officers, employees, committee members or agents arising out of or related to the member’s participation in activities of the Guild or arising out of any action taken by the Guild or its Board of Directors to discipline or expel any member or officers.

Section 7.      Members should present ideas for improvement, special projects, speakers or areas of concern to the Board of Directors.


Section 1.      The Executive Board shall consist of all elected officers of the Guild, i.e., President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, plus the immediate past President.

Section 2.      The Executive Board will convene at the call of the President to act for the Board of Directors between regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors and in emergencies. It may, also, act upon issues that require a decision to be made before the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

Section 3.      All business transacted by the Executive Board will be reported at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.

Section 4.      The President will be allowed expenditures and may incur indebtedness in an amount and manner authorized by the Executive Board. With the exception of the President, no officer, committee chairperson nor Guild member shall incur nor contract indebtedness on behalf of the Guild without a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 5.      All officers shall be members in good standing and maintain such status during their time of office.


Section 1.      The Board of Directors shall consist of all elected officers of the Guild, the immediate past President and the chairpersons of standing committees.

Section 2.      The Board of Directors shall meet every other month beginning in January at the discretion of the President. Additional meetings may be called by the President or by majority of the Board of Directors.

Section 3.      Should any officer be unwilling or unable to perform the duties of the office, a replacement will be selected by the Board of Directors.

Section 4.      Should any committee chairperson be unwilling or unable to perform the duties of the office, a replacement will be selected by the Board of Directors.

Section 5.      Motions are passed with approval of a majority of Board members present.


Section 1.      A general meeting of the membership of the Guild will be held once a month on the second Tuesday of each month beginning with social time at 9:30 a.m. with the meeting scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. Notice of any change in meeting date will be given to the membership by announcement, e-mail, newsletter or telephone.


Section 1.      Upon the dissolution of the organization, the officers shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of liabilities of the organization, dispose of all assets of the organization exclusively for the purposes of the organization in such manner, or to such organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the officers shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed in District Court in the County in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


Section 1.      The Bylaws of the Guild may be altered or amended by the majority vote of the membership attending a regular meeting of the Guild.

Section 2.      Notice of a vote on proposed changes or amendments will be given to the membership at the Guild meeting, by telephone, e-mail, or in writing one month prior to the date of the vote.

Section 3.      The Bylaws, and all change documents signed by the President and the Secretary, shall be kept in the Guild corporate headquarters files. i.e. in the President’s and Secretary’s binders.


Section 1.      Only members of the Guild are eligible to vote, nominate or be nominated for office.

Section 2.      An individual must be a member of the Guild for at least one year before being eligible to be nominated for an office.

Section 3.      The Nominating Committee will present a slate of officers at the September meeting and the nominations will be printed in the September newsletter.

Section 4.      Nominations will be taken from the floor during the October Guild meeting. The nominee must give her/his consent before the nomination will be accepted.

Section 5.      Elections will be held annually at the November Guild meeting. Officers are elected by a majority vote of the membership present. The newly elected officers will begin to be mentored by the current officer and will be prepared to be installed at the Year End Guild Meeting. The newly installed officers will receive the binders and records at the Year End Guild meeting from the outgoing offices and assume the responsibilities of their position upon installation.

Section 6.      All officers may only serve two consecutive years.


Section 1.      Membership dues will be established by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. These dues will be paid annually and will entitle the Guild member to the bimonthly newsletter and to participate in all meetings held by the Guild. Dues delinquent after the February Guild meeting will cause the member to be removed from the Guild roster. New rosters will be available the first quarter of each year.

Section 2.      A fee established by the Board of Directors will be charged to nonmembers for special programs presented by the Guild; special programs being: speakers, films or slide shows, and related events. It shall be published ahead of time if a fee will be charged for a special guild program.

Section 3.      All funds and dues shall be collected by the Treasurer and deposited in a checking account. An authorized signature for the disbursement of funds shall be the Treasurer and one of either the President or Vice-President, but not the Secretary.

Section 4.      No part of the net earnings of the organization shall insure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, officers or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose set forth in these articles. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign in behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (C) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Revenue Law).

Section 5.      Yearly dues will be set by the Executive Board. There will be no reduction in price for members who join after January.


Section 1. PRESIDENT:

  1. Preside at all membership and Board meetings.
  2. Call Executive Board meetings as needed.
  3. Inform general membership of actions and decisions of the Executive Board.
  4. Represent the guild at community functions that involve the Guild.
  5. At the April Guild meeting ask for nominations from the floor for two Guild members to serve on the Nominating Committee with the Vice President.
  6. Act as a member ex-officio of committees as the need may arise. Take action if any committee chairperson is not performing in a timely and efficient manner. Check with the committee chairpersons of the progress of the committee.  Request the chairperson to call a special meeting of his/her committee members, if needed.
  7. Submit a projected minimum yearly operating budget (established the previous November) at the first meeting of the Board of Directors after assuming office in January.
  8. Write an article for each newsletter.
  9. Form ad hoc committees as needed
  10. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.
  11. Sign checks


  1. Preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
  2. Be the chairperson for the Nominating Committee to present to the membership, a slate of Officers and Committee Chairpersons for the next year.
  3. Prepare the budget with an ad hoc committee of at least the President, President-Elect and Treasurer. Request input from committee chairpersons. Budget is to be completed prior to the end of November. Completing this task in November allows for updates and adjustments prior to the budget presentation at the January board meeting.
  4. Renew, in November, the yearly contract with the Civic Center for the Guild’s regularly scheduled monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month for use from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
  5. Review and take appropriate action with mail received by the Guild that is not related to the duties of the Treasurer. This may include, but is not limited to, requests from other guilds to distribute flyers or share announcements, advertisements for participation in upcoming events, requests for donations, etc.
  6. Sign checks (to be added to checking account only in the event the President is unable or unwilling to perform this duty).

Section 4. SECRETARY:

  1. Record the minutes of each Board of Directors meeting, Executive Board meetings and each regular monthly Guild meeting.
  2. Use a word processing package (Word, Wordperfect, etc.) to prepare the minutes.
  3. Prepare correspondence for the President on Guild letterhead.
  4. Submit copies of the minutes to the President, Vice President, and Treasurer for review and approval prior to submission in the newsletter.
  5. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.

Section 5. TREASURER:

  1. Responsible for all financial matters of the guild. Responsible for receiving, disbursing, and accounting of all monies of the San Juan Quilters Guild.  Responsible for rendering financial statements on a monthly basis to be presented at the monthly Guild meetings and the Board of Directors meetings.
  2. Responsible for ensuring that an IRS form W-9 is completed for any and all guest speakers or service providers.
  3. Responsible for completing and filing the annual IRS 1099 MISC forms and the accompanying IRS annual summary form 1096.
  4. Responsible for renewing the annual New Mexico Nonprofit Corporation Report for the Guild as required by law.
  5. Responsible for filing the annual IRS form 990 N for 501C3 nonprofit corporations as required by law.
  6. Maintain a record of San Juan Quilters Guild monetary charitable donations as a requirement for maintaining the non-profit status of the Guild. The Community Services chairperson shall provide a copy of the tangible donation records to the Treasurer for the fiscal year.  The combined monetary and tangible charitable donations records shall be stored and maintained by the Treasurer.
  7. Responsible for paying the annual subscriptions that maintain the Guild website.
  8. Responsible for paying the yearly insurance policy premiums.
  9. Appoint a Vice Treasurer to assume the Treasurer duties in the absence of the Treasurer.
  10. Present books for audit by January 15 of the next year.
  11. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.
  12. Sign checks.


Upon leaving office, either prior to or at the end of the term, all officers and chairpersons shall deliver the San Juan Quilters Guild binder, all records, monies and property belonging to the Guild to their successors.


Policies are set by the Guild Board of Directors to define the operations and management of the Guild within the guidelines of Guild bylaws. Committees, programs, special projects, involvement in community activities and other matters related to the operation of the Guild are set out in the Guild Policies.  Policies are a practical way of management and are as binding as are the bylaws. They include the Duties, Procedures and Guidelines.  Policies changes do not need to be voted on by the Guild general membership.

Snow Days–When all three school districts are closed Guild meeting will be cancelled.


  1. The meetings of the Guild are for adults and auxiliary members unless a special educational meeting is provided for children.
  2. Adult dues will be $30 per year. Auxiliary Member dues will be $5 per year.
  3. The Quilt Show will be held in the fall unless cancelled by a vote of the Board of Directors.
  4. Quilts entered in the Quilt Show must be made by Guild members only, unless the Quilt Show Chairperson designates a specific entry classification for non-member quilts. ‘Made by Guild members only’ does not include quilts made by non-members but quilted by professional commercial quilters who happen to be members of the Guild.
  5. Because of liability reasons, no properties of the Guild shall be loaned, rented or shared with anyone or any organization.
  6. Members shall not advertise or solicit from the podium for personal gain, business gain or for any organization other than the Guild. Advertising may be done by posting on the bulletin board, or placing information on tables or chairs at the regularly scheduled Guild meetings.


  1. Serve on one committee and/or volunteer for one Guild event each year.
  2. Pay dues of $30.
  3. Do not sell or give away the membership roster.
  4. Do not use roster for personal/business gain.
  5. Do not advertise/solicit from the podium.
  6. Requests for expense reimbursement are to be submitted to the appropriate Committee Chairperson to ensure that the expense is appropriate to and within the committee budget. Expenses not related to a committee or in excess of a committee budget must be preapproved by the Board of Directors or by a special meeting of the Executive Board.  Any member presenting an expense outside the parameters described above may not get reimbursed by the Guild.


  1. Age 17 and under.
  2. Pay dues of $5.
  3. Sponsored by an active adult member. Sponsor shall direct and manage auxiliary member at all Guild meetings and Guild functions.


  1. The immediate past President is an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board.
  2. The current Vice President will automatically be a nominee to be the next President.
  3. The President is permitted to attend special speaker classes at no charge.


  1. Be expected to attend all Board meetings and be encouraged to attend the regularly scheduled Guild meetings.
  2. Keep the president informed about office or committee chair information or concerns. Also, provide current information to President upon request.
  3. Committee Chairpersons shall keep their committee members updated regarding Board of Director meeting decisions that pertain to their respective committees
  4. Keep respective portion of the budget up to date.
  5. Approve in writing all committee member requests for reimbursement or payment before submitting to the Treasurer.
  6. Committee Chairpersons are to ensure that committee expenses are appropriate to and within the committee budget. Expenses in excess of a committee budget must be preapproved by the Board of Directors or by a special meeting of the Executive Board.   Any committee member presenting an expense without preapproval may not get reimbursed by the Guild.



Note:  No differentiation of committee responsibilities applies to morning, evening, Saturday, or any Guild designated meetings unless stated otherwise.


  1. Audit the Treasurer’s books no later than January 15th.
  2. Present an itemized balance sheet for each book showing income and expenditures for the past year to the incoming President.
  3. Submit final report to the Board of Directors.


  1. When multiple Guild meetings are held, community services chairpersons are to coordinate with one another and keep one another informed.
  2. Select guild members as assistants.
  3. Coordinate the making and distribution of a minimum of 12 community service projects (ie: quilts, pillow cases, nursing covers, etc.) during the year.
  4. Supply instructions and/or materials for community service project work days at the specified Guild meeting or other scheduled work day meetings.
  5. Assist with community projects as determined the Board of Directors.
  6. Maintain an itemized list of revenue and expenditures and the records of project distribution for tax information purposes. Provide a copy of the records of expenditure and the total number of distributed projects to the Treasurer at the end of the fiscal year.
  7. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. When multiple Guild meetings are held, door prize chairpersons are to coordinate with one another and keep one another informed.
  2. Sell tickets, hold drawing, record and turn in money to treasurer. Buy supplies and door prize gifts as needed.
  3. Be responsible for property related to the committee.
  4. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. When multiple Guild meetings are held, hospitality chairpersons are to coordinate with one another and keep one another informed.
  2. Organize and make all arrangements necessary for food at the meetings.
  3. Have a special main dish for guest speaker meetings.
  4. Be responsible for property related to the committee.
  5. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. When multiple Guild meetings are held, membership chairpersons are to coordinate with one another and keep one another informed.
  2. Provide a current Roster to all members.
  3. Collect all registration forms and monies related to membership and submit monies to Treasurer.
  4. Maintain and update the membership roster. Either the chairperson or a committee member should have Excel Spreadsheet skills to manage and maintain the accuracy, timely revisions, and ease of access of the membership roster.
  5. Be responsible for property related to the committee.
  6. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. Create and distribute the bimonthly Guild newsletter.
  2. Maintain a current member mailing list and e-mail list.
  3. Be responsible for property related to the committee.
  4. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. Solicit places of business for advertising in the newsletter.
  2. With Board of Directors approval, the newsletter chairperson may offer creative advertising plans that will produce positive benefits to both the advertiser and the Guild.
  3. No advertising will be permitted in the Guild Bylaws and Policies document.
  4. Fees are paid to the Newsletter Ad Chairperson before the Ad will run.
  5. Collect all monies related to Newsletter Ads and submit monies to Treasurer.
  6. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. A Nominating Committee will be formed and elected at the April Guild meeting with nominations coming from the floor for the committee members.
  2. The Nominating Committee will consist of three Guild members. The Vice President or incoming President will be the chairperson along with two committee members.
  3. The duty of the Nominating Committee is to secure a Slate of Officers and Chairpersons for the Guild committees.
  4. The Nominating Committee may interview and nominate officers who have not yet served a consecutive two year term.
  5. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. The Opportunity Quilt is to be prepared in the current year for promotion in the following year.
  2. Select pattern and fabric. Present selections and request approval at the March meeting of the Board of Directors.
  3. Piece, quilt, and add label and sleeve to the quilt.
  4. Opportunity Quilt may be donated by a Guild member or vendor. Donated Opportunity Quilt must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.
  5. Upon completion, submit the Opportunity Quilt to the Opportunity Ticket Sales Chairperson.
  6. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. When multiple Guild meetings are held, opportunity ticket sales chairpersons are to coordinate with one another and keep one another informed.
  2. Appoint County Fair Side Raffle Quilt Chairperson who will:
    1. Solicit from members side raffle items to be sold at the County Fair.
    2. Set up the side raffle quilt display at the County Fair.
    3. Manage the drawing of the winning side raffle tickets at 8 pm Saturday evening for the items.
    4. Keep a list of winners and number of tickets sold for each item.
    5. Contact winners and schedule pick up of side raffle items.
  3. Schedule workers for all Opportunity Quilt showings and ticket sales.
  4. Schedule workers for the County Fair Side Raffle event.
  5. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


When multiple Guild meetings are held, parliamentarian chairpersons are to coordinate with one another and keep one another informed.

  1. Be knowledgeable of current Bylaws and Policies of the Guild. Be prepared to respond to inquiries regarding Robert’s Rules of Order and maintain compliance at Guild meetings.
  2. Be knowledgeable of Robert’s Rules of Order. Be prepared to respond to inquiries regarding Robert’s Rules of Order and maintain compliance at Guild meetings.
  3. Make notes as necessary from information given by the Board of Directors, committee members or others authorized to make additions, amendments or deletions to the Guild Bylaws and Policies.
  4. Prepare a report on any necessary changes in the Bylaws and Policies and present it to a specified Board of Directors meeting. When the need arises, provide clarification of parliamentary standards.
  5. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. When multiple Guild meetings are held, programs chairpersons are to coordinate with one another regarding projects and keep one another informed. Organize and make all arrangements necessary for the yearly programs.
  2. Select a co-chairperson and/or committee if needed.
  3. Be responsible for property related to the committee.
  4. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. Select an assistant to help with responsibilities and to make arrangements for equipment delivery when the chairperson is unable to do so.
  2. Maintain an accurate inventory list of Guild belongings and where they are stored. Make a copy of the list for the President, Programs chairperson, Quilt Show chairperson. 
  3. Deliver or arrange to have delivered, equipment needed for meetings, workshops, or Guild activities in a timely fashion. Likewise, arrange for the return of the equipment when the meetings, workshops or activities are finished.
  4. Inform the Board of Directors of any missing, damaged or broken items that need to be repaired or replaced.
  5. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. Send monthly article(s) to local new media sources (paper and electronic media communications distributions) stating information concerning the next Guild meeting. Articles shall include the name of the organization, the date, place and time of the meeting or event, the program, any associated costs, and any other pertinent information.  Also include the name, telephone number, and e-mail address of a contact person.
  2. Make information sheets, counter cards, flyers and/or posters with Guild information and distribute to appropriate locations and organizations willing to promote the Guild.
  3. Work with the Quilt Show chairperson with advertising for the quilt show.
  4. Keep a record of the types of Guild promotional materials and when and where those materials have been posted or distributed.
  5. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. Organize the scheduled Quilt Show. Refer to the Quilt Show binder for information and details regarding responsibilities and production of the show.
  2. Be responsible for property related to the committee.
  3. Receive and maintain a Quilt Show binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. Send sympathy and special occasion cards to members when appropriate for death, illness, hospitalization, birth, anniversaries, etc.
  2. Advise President of situations relating to members or their families of death, illness, hospitalization, birth, anniversaries, etc.
  3. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. Organize and make all arrangements necessary for the year end Guild meeting for the installations of officers and committee chairpersons.
  2. Organize any additional events or activities for the year end Guild meeting as deemed appropriate by the committee.
  3. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  1. Establish and maintain a website.
  2. Post the newsletter to the website.
  3. Update pertinent Guild information in a timely manner.
  4. Receive and maintain an administrative binder. The binder shall contain detailed information, including any helpful facts, pertinent correspondence, and a record of revenue and expenditures.


  • Bylaws and Policies as developed by the committee chaired by Virginia Clay and composed of past presidents, current president and incoming president: Maxine Rhien, Carolyn Blair, Revis Taylor, Ann House, Connie Nordstrom, Gail Catchpole, Joanne Peterson, Yvonne Didde and Naedeen Bacon. Presented for consideration at the December 13, 1994 meeting and voted approval at the January 10, 1995 meeting.

  • Article V Board of Directors, Section 2.: amended to change the board meeting from the ‘last’ to the ‘third’ Tuesday of the month. Presented for consideration in the Jan-Feb 1996 newsletter and voted approval at the February 13, 1996 meeting.
  • Discussed making a $25.00 gift to the evening Vice President a permanent policy at the October 15, 1996 Board meeting. A motion was made to implement and voted approval.
  • Discussed loaning of the Guild properties at the February 17, 1998 Board Meeting. As owners of the loaned property the Guild could be liable for any injury or inconvenience that a person might suffer from its use. The board voted to present a proposed policy to the general membership that all Guild property is for our exclusive use. The policy was presented in the March-April, 1998 newsletter, and voted approval at the April daytime and evening meetings.
  • Changed the Board Meeting times starting in January instead of February. Newly elected officers will take office in December instead of January. Newsletters, therefore, will come out every other month starting in January. Voted approval at the November 2000 morning and evening meetings.
  • During 2001, a committee reviewed and made changes to the Bylaws and Guild Policies. All Bylaws and Guild Policies changes were reviewed by an attorney, and were voted on and approved by the general membership.
  • During 2007, the amendment passed to omit “sell required raffle tickets”.
  • Guild Bylaws and Policies were reviewed and revised as needed in January and February 2009. Changes to Guild dues were voted on at the November 2008 day and evening meetings, taking effect in January 2009. All dues are $ 30 per member.
  • During 2009, the evening Guild decided to gather at 6:00 p.m. for refreshments and social time, with the business meeting at 6:30 p.m.
  • During 2012, there was a major overhaul of duties of officers, standing committees and refining of the Bylaw Articles. The committee consisted of Janis Adam, Gail Aspromonte, Cathy Korzan and Shari Schmitt with ideas from President, Carol Spangler.  The changes will be effective January 1, 2013.
  • During 2019, there was a major review of the Bylaws and Articles particularly combining Day and Evening Officer and Committee duties to be deemed as the same and not listed and described separately. Additionally, verbiage was reviewed for clarity and a few committees were determined to be important and were reinstated. The committee consisted of Brenda Bloomfield, President; Jill Tanis, Treasurer; Karen Brimhall; Deb Cutler; Cheryl Hough; Connie Polzin; Kim Duke; and Bev Spellbring. The changes will be effective January 1, 2019.
  • At the June, 2019, Guild meeting, there was a discussion lead by President, Brenda Bloomfield, regarding the current limitation of members joining the guild after March 31st not being allowed to show in the annual Guild Quilt Show. It was approved, by majority vote, that the annual membership dues, paid at any time during the fiscal year, entitles members to all privileges of membership which supports Bylaws Article III- Membership; Section 4. This action rescinds all previous restrictions pertaining to limiting members from any Guild membership privileges unless otherwise currently stated in the Bylaws.