
1. Click below to print off a membership form.

2. Complete the form and mail, with dues, to:

San Juan Quilters Guild

P.O. Box 5541

Farmington, NM 87499


Bring to the next Guild meeting

Click:  Membership Form

Our meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month. (Changes in meeting dates or location will be announced)

Meetings are held at

Daytime:  Farmington Civic Center  (unless otherwise stated on the Programs Page)

Saturday:  First Presbyterian Church  (unless otherwise stated on the Programs Page)


Day Meeting:

9:30 am    Social Time

10:00 am   Meeting

Saturday Meeting:

9:30 am   Social Time

10:00 am    Meeting

Wear a name tag:

Sign in at membership table. If your number is picked and you are wearing a name tag you win a prize.(A temporary name tag is given to new members when they join.)

Bring your finished projects for Show and Tell.

Fat Quarter Drawing: Bring a fat quarter and have a chance to win the drawing. (Check newsletter or website for the color or theme for the month.)  The fat quarter list for the year is at the bottom of this page.

There are door prizes available at  meetings. Win a gift certificate to one of the local quilt shop. Door prize tickets are 3 for $1.00

You will receive a bi-monthly newsletter. The newsletter is emailed or mailed. (Email preferred)

The SJQG Quilt Show is typically the second weekend of October and is held biennially.

.  Our next quilt show is scheduled to be held in October, 2025.  Please check for information and updates and also check the newsletter.

We do Outreach Projects.  SJQG Outreach provides quilts and other needs for the community. The Outreach Chairpersons will provide information on projects at guild meetings, in the newsletter or on the web site.  Ask the Chairpersons how you can help out.

We raffle one quilt a year.  Members sell tickets for the quilt. The drawing for the quilt is on Saturday at the quilt show. Proceeds are used to provide for educational programs and Outreach projects.

SJQG offers a variety of quality programs and workshops.   Professional teachers provide lectures, trunk shows and workshops.   Members of the guild also provide programs, lectures, trunk shows and workshops.

Board Meetings are held every other month (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept and Nov.) The meetings are held at 9:00 am, on the Thursday following the general meeting, at the First Presbyterian Church, 865 N. Dustin. You are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Membership pins are available to all members.  Please ask for one at the membership table at a monthly meeting. is our website


Please ask any questions you may have.

Fat Quarter List for the Year

January – Blue & White
February – Red, pink, white
 March – Green
 April – Pink & yellow
 May – Floral prints
 June – Brights
 July – Patriotic prints
 August – Western/Southwest prints
 September – Red & black
 October – Orange & purple
 November – Fall colors
 December – Christmas